Storm Center 7

Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast: Shipwrecks & Climate Change

This week on the third episode of the Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast Climate Series, Chief Meteorologist McCall Vrydaghs and Meteorologist Kirstie Zontini sat down to talk about an interesting impact our warming climate is having on shipwrecks. Yes, shipwrecks! Fellow broadcast meteorologist Meredith Garofalo came on the show to explain more about an in-depth, unique climate story she covered for her station News 12 Long Island.

Meredith is an award-winning and Emmy-Nominated Certified Broadcast Meteorologist and a science/space correspondent. She is currently a Senior Meteorologist for News 12 New York covering the Hudson Valley, Long Island, and the Tri-State region.

Warmer sea temperatures and our changing coastlines are exposing shipwrecks along the east coast of the United States. Meredith visited some of these wrecks and spoke with professional divers and historical experts in New York to learn more about why this is happening. This impact is one that might have been left untouched if it wasn’t for her story exposing the impacts warm water and erosion can have on history artifacts and the marine life associated with shipwrecks.

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